The Best Way to Ship Art in Santa Fe -

When art shipping your utmost goal obviously is to see that the art reaches its destination safe and in immaculate condition. People whose business is shipping art agree it requires wisdom and planning. Their advice is that you take your time and learn all you can about the various methods of artwork shipping. When it comes to shipping small and midsize artworks, there are normally two options: you can do it yourself or you can hire professional art movers who are specialists in shipping art like Pak Mail. Read about how you can ship art yourself and how Pak Mail goes about their packaging and shipping services here.

This article was posted by Jesse Williams

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Why You Should Buy From a Local Independent Tile Store
tile styles

Home renovations can be huge, time-consuming projects, and one of the most challenging aspects can be choosing the right tile flooring and tile backspace. Finding the best quality and design fit for each customer is our top priority at Absolute Flooring, one of the most trusted locally owned tile stores in Santa Fe. Learn more about how buying tile from a local tile shop is better than a commercial store here.

Turquoise Trail Studio Tour

Art in northern New Mexico is a genre unto itself. For literally centuries, the area has been home to artists across multiple cultures, working in multiple mediums. Few have been lucky enough to get an inside look at the creative endeavors practiced there. Now we’ve been given a chance to do just that, when the artist collective working along New Mexico’s famed Turquoise Trail open their studios to the public for two big weekends. The second annual Turquoise Trail Studio … Read More

McPartlon Roofing | Supporting Women in Roofing
Female Construction Worker On Site Laying Slate Tiles

Every year, more women are joining the roofing profession. Although this change is not drastic, it is still a big deal. So much so that National Women in Roofing (NWiR) are using their yearly event, NWiR Day, to empower women in roofing even more. To support these women, the National Women in Roofing’s annual event, NWiR Day, launched an exciting new program: the DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) education program called Real Roofing. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are core values … Read More

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