presents Seratones performing live in the KBAC Studio II. Recorded March 12, 2020.
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As the summer slowly winds down, and cooler weather makes the outdoors more bearable, the urge to get out and do something becomes a call to action. Weekends become a time when engaging with the entire family is a top priority. The Big Brothers Big Sisters Mountain Region (BBBSMR) has just the event for you! Their End of Summer Fiesta transforms Wicked West Harley Davidson, at 4360 Rodeo Drive, into a community block party for families of all ages, Saturday, … Read More
Our very own Chris D interviews Wild Rivers and they play some tunes for us! Wild Rivers immerse their folk-pop originals…
Blues is the name given to the musical form and the music genre that emerged from the African-American communities and the black cultural melting pot of the American South of the 1890’s, drawing on a fascinating mixture of African-American spirituals, traditional songs, work songs of the slaves, field hollers, shouts and chants, folk ballads, European hymns, contemporary dance music and rhymed simple narrative ballads. During their back-breaking toil in the fields of the Southern plantations, black slaves developed a “call and response” way … Read More